Editor's Note: Finding men to lead can sometimes be a challenge for Royal Ambassadors. With prayer and these 5 Rs, you can witness the Lord develop new leaders for your group. This resource was put together by Murrie Wainscott, a faithful RA Leader to Central Baptist Church in Italy, TX.
Pray diligently for the LORD to direct your thoughts, actions, and decisions as you seek out workers. Here are some ideas to help you get started.
Be sensitive to recognizing those individuals who exhibit those characteristics and traits that are important for leaders of boys. Look for men who are dependable, growing in their faith, and have a desire to serve others.
Share with the prospective leader what you have observed in him (refer to #1). Explain specifically what position you are asking him to consider and what you want him to do. Ask him to pray and seek the LORD’s guidance about this opportunity to serve. Do not allow him to give you an answer immediately. Set a specific time/date that you will contact him about his answer.
Provide the training necessary to make him feel confident in doing the job. Also provide the resources that will allow him to be successful. A man should not be expected to pay out of his pocket for the materials that he needs. It speaks volumes to a leader if the church is willing to support this ministry financially.
Give him the opportunity to put what he has learned and planned into action. “Let him drive” not just come along for the ride. If he never has the chance to try, how is he going to develop any confidence in his ability to lead or to feel needed?
Provide positive feedback and support. It is very encouraging to a leader to receive positive comments from the person who first started this process. A few “attaboys” go a long way toward developing a leader that will stay connected and continue in that position. It is not always necessary to provide tangible rewards for leaders, but it doesn’t hurt. A special gift, meal, or fellowship time are also effective tools in building relationships and providing encouragement that will be critical in developing long-lasting leaders.
This is not an earth-shattering revelation; however, it is hoped that you have found some new twists or ideas that might prove beneficial. It is generally recognized that the key factor in recruiting and keeping good leaders is all about relationships: to the LORD, to the boys, and to each other.
We pray this resource has been beneficial to you! If you have wisdom to share, email our office at royal.ambassadors@tbmtx.org